Grace and Peace to You
CrossMarks Christian Resources These materials are free for personal use. If you would like to obtain
the right to make copies and to obtain Leader's Guides, please contact me at: |
- Genesis: In the beginning...
- Psalms In the Key of Life (coming)
- Mark: Marked for Life
- 1 Thessalonians: Encourage one another with these words...
- Philippians: Eyes on the Prize (coming)
- 1 Peter: Tested by Fire: Living as a Christian in a Post-Christian Era
- Revelation: It's About Time (Samples now available)
- Pray this Way...: A Study of the Lord's Prayer
- Two Shall Become One: A Biblical Perspective on Husbands and Wives
- Habits of Faith: Each day PRAY and SCRIPTURE READ, WORSHIP, GROW, SHARE, and LEAD
- Parables and Paradise: Living the Paradoxes of Faith - NEW CD-ROM Available!
- Who Do You Say That I Am?: A Study of the Historical Jesus (coming)
- Matters of Life and Death
- Exegetical notes on texts from the Revised Common Lectionary by Brian Stoffregen
- Biblical Studies and Technological Tools: Scroll and Screen: This is my blog where I evaluate resources and provide tips on using technology in biblical studies.
- Parish Nurse Resources click HERE
- Links to Useful Online Christian Resources
- El Salvador: Romero Trip commemorating the 20th anniversary of his assassination.
- Meditations for those facing death: Seven meditations for anyone who is facing death or for those who are dealing with the imminent death of someone they love.
- Baptism Information Brochure: A tri-fold brochure useful for pre-Baptismal instruction. You are welcome to adapt it to fit your church's situation. Note: this brochure reflects a strong Lutheran understanding of Baptism. Reading and printing of file requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- THE FAITH ZONE based on John 20.19-31 for the Sunday after Easter. Best suited for a youth group. Use it for free.
- A Minute in the Morning - A short skit to encourage families to do daily devotions using the Daily Texts. Use it for free. (The skit can be adapted for use with other devotional resources, but I encourage you to check out the site.)
- A Thanksgiving Special: Sermon on the Ten Lepers ... that rhymes!
Please take a moment to fill out the comment form or use it to request more information or place an order. Thanks!
NOTE: All materials in these studies that are not otherwise attributed are ©
1996-2007 by Mark Vitalis Hoffman. Expressed permission is hereby granted to
download and print these materials for personal use only. If you wish to use any
of these materials for a group or other purposes, please contact me (
for permissions. In all cases, include my copyright notice and email address
with any versions of the material. Thank you.
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